Are You A Target For Cyber-Criminals?

Vulnerability Penetration Testing and Assessments

Cyber-Security is by far the number one priority and concern for my clients. As an organization with less than 500 employees, you are a magnet for phishing scams and ransomwareApproximately 71% of data breaches occur in businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

The reason being is that you are “easier” to attack and can become a “launch pad” into larger trusted networks, this was a technique used in the Target hack

Are you prepared? Here’s a strategy Whalley Computer Associates can help you implement:

  1. Train Employees – security practices, password guidelines, Internet Acceptable User Policy (AUP)
  2. Protect Computers – patches/updates, Antivirus and VPNs for remote users
  3. Have updated Firewall – boundary protection from your network from the Internet,
  4. Mobile Device plan – encryption, procedure for lost devices, network access
  5. Backup Plan – regular backup strategy for critical systems and information, 3 copies.
  6. Control Physical Access – prevent access to assets by unauthorized individuals, cameras, access keys
  7. Secure WiFi Networks – secure with encryption, hidden and passwords, segregate guest WIFI
  8. Limit Access to Data – implement Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) to control access to data
  9. Passwords and Authentication – implement password lengths, expiration/forced changes and multi-factor authentication
  10. Vulnerability & Penetration Testing – Don’t just assume you’ve secured all the hatches, find out!

If you feel confident that your organization’s network is secure – let’s put it to the test with a Certified Network Vulnerability Assessment!

Our comprehensive testing removes the uncertainty and ensures your network is protected.

Leverage WCA’s expertise, experience and relationships as a technology resource with over 40+ years in Technology. Contact me today to get started.

Bryan Daugherty

© 2025 Bryan Daugherty, CCI, CBI, SME - All Rights Reserved.

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