Biden administration to publish Bitcoin mining report in August


“The growing global focus on Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance, Climate goals and accords, as well as the rising price of energy, have incentivized policymakers to really begin understanding the economic and energy impact of blockchain technology,” said Bryan Daugherty the Public Policy Director for BSV Blockchain.

“Reports such as these greatly affect the industry across the board, from innovation to understanding. This is an opportunity to ensure continued leadership from the United States in terms of national security, innovation, and global equity if the committee is educated on the important differences in security between consensus models and the sustainable and scalable capabilities of a correctly implemented Proof of Work protocol.

“Due to the global leadership of the United States, if the report reflects a misunderstanding of the capabilities of a correctly implemented Proof of Work model and is broadly categorized as energy inefficient, the industry and the nation will suffer from increased national security critical infrastructure vulnerabilities and financial inequities and abuses the report sought to mitigate,” Daugherty explained.

Bryan Daugherty

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