COINGEEK: Bitcoin, ethics and resisting change


“On ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées,” goes the famous quote by French novelist Victor Hugo. In English—“one resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.” This quote opens Bitcoin and Ethics in a Technological Society, a chapter released by open-source academic publisher IntechOpen and written by veteran technology consultant and Bitcoin Association technical outreach specialist Bryan Daugherty and academic author Eva R. Porras.In it, the authors analyse the societal response to blockchain and Bitcoin, identifying a lack of nuance in the general conversation surrounding the issue which has only become more problematic as digital assets increasingly dominate the mainstream. Change often inspires fear, which can explain the hostile treatment that Bitcoin has tended to receive from institutional media outlets (humorously, this reaction is exemplified in the chapter by a sample of headlines from the likes of the New York Times, such as ‘Bitcoin is Evil’ and ‘Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire’).

Read the full article at: Bitcoin, ethics and resisting change

Bryan Daugherty

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